Alan Stout Alan Stout

The Pros and Cons of Using Cedar Shakes for Roofing

Cedar shakes for roofing offer aesthetic appeal, insulation, longevity, sustainability, and resistance to insects and decay. However, they can be costly, require regular maintenance, be vulnerable to severe weather and fire risk, and need expert installation. Consider these pros and cons, along with your specific needs and budget, when deciding on cedar shakes for your roof.

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Alan Stout Alan Stout

How to Choose the Best Cedar for Your Shakes and Shingles

When choosing cedar for shakes and shingles, consider factors such as grades (clear cedar vs. knotty cedar), wood species (Western red cedar vs. Eastern white cedar), moisture content (green cedar vs. kiln-dried cedar), and shingle vs. shake. Also, take into account environmental considerations, local climate, maintenance requirements, budget, and long-term goals. Consulting with experts and prioritizing sustainability and quality are essential for making an informed decision.

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